Site Specific Project- More Own Photographs

After deciding to use colour digital photography as my medium, I decided to continue to go out and capture the journey of the river and my own personal journey of discovery. In my photographs I wanted to show both the River Sherbourne and the surrounding area and so I hope I have captured this as I travelled down the river.

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I tried to capture a range of shots at all the locations I visited, showing the whole experience of the river. I have travelled down the river trying to visit as many locations down the river as possible, however I understand that I will not be able to visit every single location as I have already found some locations that are fenced off. For my filing system I have split my photographs into each individual location, this will allow me to not only access certain photographs easily, but also it will mean that when it comes to my final presentation ideas I can work out the exact route of the river through the different locations and photographs.


I found when I was out photographing my different locations over a period of different days, the weather changed and therefore affected the look of each photograph. I found that when the weather was overcast the images were flatter, yet showed the true detail of the natural environment and the river’s journey. Whereas when the sun was shining, I found that the images had a lot of contrast due to the shadows created by the sun, this looked exciting and interesting however I do not feel it shows the ‘true’ environment as the shadows create distorted views of the area. For these reasons I have decided to shoot all my photographs when it is overcast and the sun is not as direct; I will reshoot any photographs that are not visually similar as I want my whole body of work to flow together and look similar.

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